Passion Week

by Paul Gilbert

It’s Passion Week, and I am very excited for all is happening at Four Oaks this Easter season. Easter is one of the few times of the year when many semi-churched and unchurched people come to church, which means we want to take strategic advantage of the events we have coming up.

On Thursday, April 2nd, at 6pm, Yaacov and Erin Pescher will be serving a traditional Jewish Passover Seder dinner. This will be a wonderful time to both enjoy delicious traditional Jewish food, as well as learn more about what Passover really means. Everyone is invited to come to this event. You can sign up here.

On Friday, April 3rd, we will be having two Good Friday services at the Killearn Campus - one at 5:30pm and one at 7:00pm. I will be preaching on the wrath of God and our need for a substitutionary savior, and we will be singing songs which remind us of our desperate need for atonement for our sins. We will also be hearing readings from Isaiah 53, which is one of the most graphic portrayals in all of Scripture of exactly what happened to Jesus on the cross. Because of the strong focus on our need for a savior, this will be a great event to invite your friends and neighbors to. Both Midtown and Killearn will be meeting together at the Killearn campus.

On Sunday, April 5th, we will have 9AM and 11AM services at the Killearn Campus, and 8:30AM, 10AM, and 11:30AM services at the Midtown Campus. These services are going to be joyful celebrations of our resurrected Savior, Jesus Christ. We really want to encourage everyone to be inviting friends and neighbors to come to this service. There are many people who will only go to church on Easter and Christmas, and we see this service as a key opportunity to share the gospel with those who desperately need it. In order to make this easier for you, we’ll be distributing invite cards in the weeks leading up to Easter Sunday.

We’ve been talking a lot lately about the concept of “One Life” - reaching out to one individual for the purpose of sharing the gospel with them. Easter Sunday is a great opportunity to invite your One Life to come to church.

I look forward to seeing you all in the coming weeks!

For His Church
Pastor Paul

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